I am a devout Muslim man seeking marriage. Firmly rooted in my faith, I strive to embody the teachings of Islam in my daily life. I believe in respecting and honoring the rights and responsibilities of both spouses, and hope to find a partner who shares these values. Alongside my spirituality, I embrace a dual identity that encompasses modernity and tradition.
Ahmed 01
أرسل رسالة
أرسل غمزة
تم إرسال غمزة!
لقد أرسلنا تنبيه Ahmed 01 a!
غمزات كثيرة جدًا
يبدو أنك أرسلت غمزة بالفعل.
- Age 42
- Gender Male
- Country Palestine
- Ethnicity Arab
- What do I look like?
- My Eyes Blue
- My Hair Blond
- My Body A little plump
- Hair Lenght Short
- Wear Hijab No
- My Habbits
- Drinking Never
- Smoking Never
أرسل هدية افتراضية.